Tuesday, February 10, 2015


"As it is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death."
                             ~ Philippians 1:20

As the date for my departure gets closer I get more and more excited! I am looking forward to whatever the Lord has for me this summer! I can't wait to be stretched and challenged beyond myself and further into the strength of God. Thankfully there is a large list of things to work on while I wait for the day to arrive otherwise I would probably drive myself crazy. I feel like a young child waiting for Christmas to arrive.

A couple of the things that I still have to do are to finish raising the remaining $977.03, and the purchase of my airline tickets which are roughly $700. I would greatly appreciate any support that you are able to do. Every little bit helps.   If you would like to help me get there you can donate at the Joni and Friends website and it's tax-deductible if you donate here. Just enter my account number in the correct slot (743A75 is my account number).

If you are unable to monetarily support me, your prayers are greatly appreciated. Prayer that the Lord will use me to bless the families I am going to serve, and that my heart will be open to the lessons he has for me.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


       I was realizing the other day that I hadn't shared my story about how I got involved with Joni and Friends. It's been such a fun trip down memory lane thinking back over the last 4 years, so much has happened.
       It all started the summer of 2011 roughly 2 weeks before the Twin Rocks Family Retreat. I signed up to go as a STM (Short Term Missionary) and be a buddy to a child in a family affected by disability. These family retreats are a week long, starting on Sunday for the STMs and Monday afternoon for the families. All day Sunday and Monday morning is training for the STMs. After the first day of training I realized that I hadn't fully grasped what I had signed up for. It was most definitely the hardest week of my life! I was stretched emotionally and physically. I cried every night that first family week.
       I was completely changed after that one week. I had to tell everyone about it! 4 years and 7 family retreats later I am now attending my first Joni and Friends Cause 4 Life Internship! My love for these families and individuals affected by disability has grown astronomically. Each family retreat has taught me something  different. That very first camp I went expecting to bless the families and found out that I had very little to offer. I was the one who came away extremely blessed.
     Now you couldn't pay me enough to stay away from family retreat. Every week that I'm not there is like being away from the home and family that I love.